Book Clubs

1. What is the underlying message of your book?
The praise of God concerns the promotion of the truth.  Our jealousy or doubt that truth is our own leads to fear that it could be stolen from us and the reason religious scholars only declare the Bible as the word of God.  The word of God is truth and it is all of the truth that exists in the Universe.  A gift or talent is a representation of truth.  Someone who declares themselves as the Greatest Of All Time (GOAT) is using truth associated with a task to own it. Declaring truth as your own is going to cause a problem for you at judgement.  If others believe you are an originator of truth, then why shouldn’t you.  The praise of man is not satisfied with being a child of God.  The praise of man promotes the desire to be God, since man always looks for the GOAT of any task.  This book provides evidence for the reader to get prepared for Judgement.  Baptism, accepting Jesus publicly are not tickets to get out of judgement.  My father only liked surprises on his Birthday and Christmas.  He would get very angry with any surprise at any other time.  Angry was not the best description, because he would get very mean and almost ruthless.  Why?  A surprise means that one was not properly prepared, or one did not know what was expected, thus failing the task.  Many are going to be surprised at Judgement, because they thought they were ready yet did not realize what was going to be required of them because they were too consumed with the praise of man.  The praise of man makes Jesus an Idol with the illusion that love is easy.  Grace is a free gift that makes it seem like you won’t be judged.  Get ready because you will be judged; those who don’t get ready and will get surprised.   
2. What genre would you describe your book as?
Science is the genre of this book, because data is required to confirm the correct answer.  For example: Does time have a beginning? When a problem is examined in science, the first task is to use math to produce a hypothesis.  What is an infinite amount of nothing?  An infinite amount of zero is zero.  Google: calculator, next type 1/0.  The answer given is infinity.  This qualitative conclusion promotes that an infinite amount of nothing will eventually become capable of being defined as something. For time to begin nothing must form something. Scientists know that matter would have this memory if it came from nothing.  Thus, creating the conditions of the big bang involves searching for these conditions.  The conditions to turn Elementary Particles or any form of matter into nothing have not been determined.  This means turning something into nothing is not proven.   When 1/0 is typed into older handheld calculators often Math Error is stated.   The correct answer should be “not proven”.  It is not proven that time had a beginning.  Truth is based on evidence and the evidence does not show that time had a beginning.   In conclusion, science and religion are not the same.  Science concerns the promotion of truth based on facts or evidence.  It should not be promoting the beginning of time with the Big Bang.  

3. What’s ONE exciting thing about your book you want the whole world to know?
 If you doubt life has a spiritual component, then where does truth originate?  If you don’t care, then that is a lie because truth is very financially rewarding with book authorship, copyright, trademarks, and patents. We do a lot to protect the truth that originates from us. The world needs to know the meaning of life is not associated with the body because there is no future planet for us to live on. Accept reality and stop denying the truth. Being good is meaningless unless there is a reward. The reward is not associated with the flesh because there is no other planet to continue the story. This is not a coincidence. Humans love being in control. Obviously, we have no control over the Universe.  It is beyond our ability to create another Earth, yet some will argue that anything is possible. Truth will never become a lie, because of boundaries. This means more things are not possible than are possible. This is a good thing for those who recognize the beauty of life on Earth and the splendor of the heavenly realms. 
4. Briefly describe a few key points from your book that you’d like included in your press release (for fiction, these can be plot points that may entice readers; for nonfiction, these can be major topics covered).
Data provides evidence to make conclusions that are beyond a reasonable doubt. A reasonable doubt only exists because we are not of a truth origin. In a Universe without a beginning and that will never end provides enough time for us, if possible, to become a “truth” origin or a God. Once a truth origin means always a God. Truth requires boundaries, otherwise it would not be capable of creating Love. A truth origin means even if your body became iodine deficient you would not lose your ability to claim truth because the truth would have been a part of your design before you were born. This is the reason to claim yourself as a truth origin can easily be disproved by us merely depriving you of iodine.  The body is not capable of holding onto truth. 
5. How has your background influenced you to write this book?
I don’t like to be lied to. If someone tells you a lie and didn’t know it was a lie they are still guilty of promoting false information. It requires less effort to sin. Sin is easy to commit. It is easy to steal, lie and cheat. It is much more difficult to forgive someone who has told you a lie. The wages of sin is death makes people scared of their own sins, yet Jesus easily forgives them. Why? Because being saved by grace concerns your commitment to love. Love is not easy and for further explanation read the book.
6. What are a few adjectives you’d use to describe your book to a stranger?
Sturdy, Reliable, Unshakable, Sincere, Reputable, Liberating, Real, Powerful, Legitimate, Peaceful, Inspiring
7. What about your book makes you the most excited? 
God is proven.  This book concerns getting people to understand the meaning of life.  It is not easy to deny a truth as your own.  Why would you want to stop doing something you are good at and give your money away to those in need.  When you die, you can’t take money with you.  The Earth will be engulfed by the sun and there will eventually be no memory of you on Earth.  If you can deny yourself on Earth, then you can deny yourself at judgement.  If you can forgive others for cheating, stealing, and lying or any other sin on Earth, then you will be ready for judgement.  If you are not afraid to try something new, which means prevent becoming an old dog, because old dogs don’t learn new tricks, then you will be ready for judgment.  Eternal life is a long time like forever, so those that get bored easily are judged not to make the cut, because they refuse to try new things or follow Jesus.  What will you be doing in Heaven?  Exposure to failure on Earth gets you ready to master a talent and not be afraid to try a new one.  
8. If someone were searching online for a book like yours, what keywords might they use?
Omnipotent, meaning all powerful; Omniscient, meaning all knowing, Omnipresent, meaning everywhere at all times.  Genesis 1:1 was written to prevent God from being omnipresent out of the fear of Idolatry.  Genesis 1:1 means God can’t be in creation, because its premise is that the creator is separate from creation.

The Greatest Commandment: Matthew 22:37 is available at these online retailers

“The word of God is truth and it is all of the truth that exists in the Universe.”