Being saved by grace concerns your commitment to love; Satan will not receive grace.”

God Is Proven

Everything we do in life is centered around truth. A person can’t be accurate with an imprecise tool. Using the truth properly can make us look wise and provide financial riches. This is the reason truth plays a central role in judgment.

Yes, we are going to be judged before grace is given.

This may seem shocking to the fundamentalists, however all fundamentalists have sinned after their baptism. That means that they were wrong about something. Paul had an encounter with God that affected his vision. After his vision was restored fundamentalists conclude that he never sinned again or could be wrong about anything. I would encourage you to read the book: Why the Jews rejected Jesus by David Klinghoffer. Christianity became a religion because of Paul. What is the problem and why does this matter? On page 73 of Klinghoffer’s book he states from the Talmud the reason for Jesus punishment given in Deuteronomy.

Specifically it states Jesus enticed and influenced others to worship alien gods which is Idolatry.

A God is a truth origin, and Jesus claimed to be the Truth. Did he prove this? Yes. Idolatry can be defined two ways. God does everything and you do nothing. In this definition god is beyond your understanding because once understood that description becomes idolatrous. Idol worship requires no action from the created. The second definition of Idolatry: An object is presented as true, but false in purpose. Example the Old Testament where Moses brother makes a golden calf. It is supposed to be the provider of truth. So, what is the problem? Romans 5:12. Paul states when Adam sinned, then sin entered the world. Paul was not present at the original sin. The original sin took place with the devil. The original sin is directly associated with truth.

This means you are going to have to do something’s otherwise Jesus is an Idol.

 Everything about him is true and this is the reason he will fulfill the prophecy that Jews love about the Word of God. Specifically that the word of God is true. The church has created a major problem. It is not getting it followers ready for judgment. It blames Adam and Eve for the original sin. Thus it concludes all you have to do is accept Jesus and you will avoid judgement. The above website is a reference to the evidence statement below. Moreover, the purpose of Judgement is to eliminate Idolatry. Idolatry is worse than murder. The goal of Genesis 1:1 is to prevent it. When Jesus states to be my disciple you must deny yourself. This means you are going to be judged on this. Why. 

If you don’t deny truth that is associated with your life then you are an Idol. 

Thus judgement must occur before grace is given. Being a disciple of Jesus is a demonstration of Love. You are saved by your love, otherwise Jesus is an Idol. Love is not the same as work. 


God Is Proven is available at these online retailers

“If someone tells you a lie and didn’t know it was a lie they are still guilty of promoting false information. It requires less effort to sin. Sin is easy to commit. It is easy to steal, lie and cheat. It is much more difficult to forgive someone who has told you a lie.”

Will we accept what God is proven to be?

For God to be timeless, God must have a mass that is eternal or never changes. Pantheism states God is everything. One eternal mass or something is not supporting pantheism, because nothing doesn’t create which prevents it from being defined as a God. All matter is composed of something and nothing and if they were the same, then no opposite would exist. To say everything is a God is to call nothing a god. Bad things happen to good people, thus life isn’t fair. If life were fair, then you could be a God. This is the best evidence for the support of one God. Genesis 1:1 prevents idolatry. Genesis 1:1 prevents a man from becoming a God. Why did Jesus choose Abraham? Jews and Muslims understand creationism in that it prohibits a God in the flesh. Christians argue that Genesis 1:1 doesn’t prohibit a God in the flesh and their reasoning makes them pseudo-Christians. Jesus chose Abraham because he wanted it to be clear that man can’t tell God what he can and can’t do (John 8:58)! It is finished means God is proven.

Jews, Christians, and Muslims believe Genesis 1:1.  So, why do the Jews and Muslims believe Genesis 1:1 and don’t believe in Jesus?  The Jews only believe that a savior can come as a sacrifice for sin. Both the Muslims and Jews don’t believe God can come in the flesh.  When Abraham wrote Genesis 1:1 that was his intention.  He despised idolatry.  However, Jesus speaks on Genesis in Matthew 19:4.  “Haven’t you read, “he replied, ” that at the Beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female.’  Ex Nihilo (time begins) promoters in the church are supporting Abraham as the word based on his intentions to prevent idolatry.  Are we idolizing Jesus when we worship him?  No, we are recognizing and praising the source of truth.  Jesus doesn’t want your money.  When Jesus returns he will not be seeking material wealth.  When Jesus says the Creator made them male and female, he is proving that there is only one God.  His intentions concern promoting the truth.  Why did this lead to Jesus being Crucified and the Jews rejecting him?  Jealousy.  It will never be possible for you to be a God.  A lack of confidence of any truth at this moment means that there was a moment in eternity that you were not a God.  Scientifically elementary particles have not been proven to be made of one eternal building block, thus belief is still required.  The Bible doesn’t say that Jesus word is above every other word, it only says his name is above every other name.  Jesus says his word is above every other word when he says I am the way the truth and the life.  When he says I am the truth he is saying my word is above yours Abraham.  (John 14:6)

Why didn’t Romans 8:38 apply to the Devil?  Paul was passionate about his love for God, yet he lacks authority to make decisions for God.  Being convinced doesn’t grant authority. 

“A truth origin means even if your body became iodine deficient you would not lose your ability to claim truth because the truth would have been a part of your design before you were born. This is the reason to claim yourself as a truth origin can easily be disproved by us merely depriving you of iodine.  The body is not capable of holding onto truth. ”  

The Greatest Commandment: Matthew 22:37

The Greatest Commandment: Matthew 22:37 focuses upon the meaning and impact of Jesuss proclamation that the primary mandate from God is to love him with all of ones heart and soul and mind.

The author, David T. Steineker, reviews how understanding this primary command helps one to appreciate the ways in which God has constructed the world according to his law. As a result, The Greatest Commandment contends that one will see the traces of Gods law in the design of the physical world and in Gods intentions for humanity. In addition, chapters explore several topics of controversy in modern society: evolution and abortion. Finally, a sequence of chapters explores the focus upon Jesus Christ that emerges from the text of Matthew 22:37, the fidelity of the discipleship of John the Baptist, and the final things that will come at the end of this age.

If you desire to learn how Jesuss teaching of the Great Commandment can provide shape and meaning to your life and guide you to understand Gods design for the world, then The Greatest Commandment: Matthew 22:37 will serve as your handbook for learning and living in harmony with Gods intentions for your life and for the unfolding history of the whole world.

The Greatest Commandment: Matthew 22:37 is available at these online retailers

“Many are going to be surprised at Judgement because they thought they were ready yet did not realize what was going to be required of them because they were too consumed with the praise of man.  The praise of man makes Jesus an Idol with the illusion that love is easy.  Grace is a free gift that makes it seem like you won’t be judged.  Get ready because you will be judged; those who don’t get ready and will get surprised.”